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Aserbaijan meets the Maledives in Berlin | Gallery Berlin-Baku | from 10.03.2016

 #0404ARTatBerlin | From the 10th March 2016 the gallery Berlin-Baku shows an exhibition named “Aserbaidschan trifft die Malediven in Berlin”, what literally means “Aserbaijan meets the Maledives in Berlin”. On show are four artists from Aserbaijan and four artists from the Maledives: Aserbaijan: Bahruz Kangarli, Butunay Hagverdiyev, Faraj Rahmanov, Novruz Mammadov Maledives: Raaif Siraj, Ahmed Shadheen, Maldha Mohamed, […]

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Collection KAI DIKHAS | Gallery KAI DIKHAS | 26.02.-02.04.2016

until 02.04. | #0432AB | The gallery KAI DIKHAS shows from the 26th February 2016 artworks out of the collection KAI DIKHAS in a new hanging. Here you find the exhibition description in German language: Anlässlich der Vernissage der neuen Hängung von Werken der Sammlung Kai Dikhas ist Kunstkenner, Kurator und Radiomoderator (Radio Arty/ Flux Fm) Jan Kage im […]

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