For the 19th Gallery Weekend in Berlin from 28 to 30 April 2023, the experimental showroom for spatial art, media art and performance “Luxoom Lab” in the former crematorium in Wedding will present the Düsseldorf light artist Mischa Kuball with his installation “five planets”.
“Incessantly, letters dance across the walls. Only after concentrated observation can the names of the five planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Venus be read, which the artist Mischa Kuball (*1959) projects onto disco balls for five planets…
Read the article about Mischa Kuball at the Luxoom Lab on DEEDS.NEWS
Image above: Mischa Kuball, five planets, 2015, Installation view Museum Folkwang, Essen © Archiv Mischa Kuball, Düsseldorf / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023