The Bonnefantenmuseum presents Melati Suryodarmo (1969, Surakarta, Indonesia) as the 11th winner of the Bonnefanten Award for Contemporary Art (BACA). The opening of I am a Ghost in My Own House, Suryodarmo’s first major solo exhibition in Europe and the Netherlands, will take place on 12 June. She is a versatile artist, but is best known for her haunting performances. In her work, she translates sharp socio-political issues into poetic, physical imagery.
The awarding of the BACA to Melati Suryodarmo is a welcome occasion for the Bonnefantenmuseum to introduce her to the Dutch public and to pay tribute to one of the pioneers of performance art. On the day of the opening, two performances are on the programme, namely the four-hour performance Transaction of Hollows and, in parallel, the performance Sweet Dreams Sweet. The following week, Suryodarmo himself will perform I am a Ghost in My Own House.
The title of the exhibition I am a Ghost in My Own House comes from Suryodarmo’s twelve-hour performance of the same name. In the course of this performance, she crushes charcoal to her own exhaustion for twelve hours with a stone mortar, also exhausting the charcoal’s energy potential. Suryodarmo sees the charcoal …
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Image above: Melati Suryodarmo, I’M A GHOST IN MY OWN, HOUSE, 2012, Photo Courtesy of the artist, Photo by Riki Zoelkarnain.