Until 3 October 2022, the Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt/Main is showing an exhibition with Marcel Duchamp. Thinking, acting and being beyond all categories and conventions. Being apodictic and at the same time allowing indifference. Creating works that are not works of art and yet are art. Leading the discourse without dictating it. Never repeating oneself. Being lazy instead of busy. To be free.
The resistance in form as well as in thought is unbroken in the work of Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), his questions are present: What is art? What constitutes an object? What is a subject? What unites and separates science and poetry? What defines our gender and identity? …
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Image above: Marcel Duchamp, Coeurs Volants (Fluttering Hearts), 1936/1961, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Graphic Collection, Archive (Library) Serge Stauffer, Acquired 1993 with lottery funds, © Staatsgalerie Stuttgart /Association Marcel Duchamp / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022