On 23.01.2020 the Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2020 will be awarded to Timm Ulrichs in a public ceremony and exhibition opening.
In the year of his 80th birthday, the Academy of Arts will honour the Berlin-born artist for his life’s work, which to this day remains a treasure trove and source of inspiration for subsequent generations of artists. The exhibition “Weiter im Text” will be shown from 24.01. to 01.03.2020 at the Academy of Arts (Hanseatenweg).
The self-proclaimed total artist Timm Ulrichs works tirelessly, far from the centres of the art world, in a wide variety of genres. His wealth of ideas does not pursue an overall concept; rather, he searches for originality in each and every idea. The exhibition Weiter im Text (Continue in the Text), highlights the relationship in his work between language and …
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Image caption: Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg – Photo: Timo Ohler