The Fine Art department of Berliner-Freiraum, Gallery2’s mission is to present 4-6 major exibitions each year in diverse media and styles, with themes of a social, religious, spiritual and philosphical nature. Our focus themes are: Social, Religious, Spiritual, and Philosophical. Media: Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Light and Video Installations. In addition we hold readings, Matinees, and Discussion Groups. Gallery 2 has no regular artists, but instead chooses to exhibit purely based on theme foci, depth of work, and quality and depth of the art that shows good technical expertise. The age, experience, religious belonging or lack of formal training plays no role in our selection of artists. Gallery2 will not participate in Art Fairs.
The gallery is located on Auguststraße in Berlin-Mitte.
ART@Berlin: Art gallery in Berlin Gallery2