Independently founded in Berlin 2006 and successfully operating for over 10 years, galleries FELDBUSCH WIESNER and JETTE RUDOLPH joined forces in September 2016. The combined expertise of both galleries, an expanded artist portfolio, and a broader contact had positive repercussions for artists, collectors and art institutions.The new and spacious location of FELDBUSCH WIESNER RUDOLPH since September 2017 is at Jägerstraße 5, 10117 Berlin -Mitte
Gallery FELDBUSCHWIESNERRUDOLPH has been successfully representing mid-career and emerging contemporary artists. The gallery defines itself as a mediator for singular positions and discoverer of emerging artists who endeavour to follow very individual practices. It puts priority on cooperation and discourse with their artists and collectors. At least once a year the gallery invites a guest curator and with it open its doors to artists from all over the world.
Opening hours:
Thu + Fri 12:00 to 6:00 pm
Sat 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
and by arrangement
Artists of the gallery:
Wim Botha, Thorsten Brinkmann, GL Brierley, Isabelle Borges, Daniele Buetti, Ruth Campau, Marta Djourina, Jacob Dahlgren, Wolfgang Flad, Paule Hammer, Samuel Henne, Marlen Letetzki, Benedikt Leonhardt, Philip Loersch, Sara-Lena Maierhofer, Jenny Michel, Anna Nero, Paul Pretzer, Augustin Rebetez, Denis Rudolph, Daniel Schaal, Marleen Sleeuwits, Nicola Staeglich, Christine Streuli, Klaus-Martin Treder.
Photo: FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph, from left: Stefanie Feldbusch, Andreas Wiesner, Jette Rudolph
Art Gallery in Berlin: FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph | Contemporary Art in Berlin | ART at Berlin