Addendum: Galerie Gregor Podnar has moved from Berlin to Vienna in spring 2022. The gallery Gregor Podnar was established in June 2003 in Kranj (Slovenia) as part of the DUM Association. In August 2005 the gallery moved to Kolodvorska Street 6 in Ljubljana. From 1996 till 2003 Gregor Podnar had been running an international program as artistic director of Galerija Škuc in Ljubljana and since 2001 he presents artists at different art fairs. In October 2007 Gregor Podnar opened a second gallery in Lindenstr. 35, Berlin. By continuing this line of curatorial and gallery work Gregor Podnar aims at running a production center, which collaborates with different galleries and institutions in Europe and abroad. The gallery is located on the street Alt-Moabit in Moabit (earlier at the Galeriehaus on Lindenstraße in Berlin-Kreuzberg).
Image caption: Tobias Putrih, Pale Guardians, exhibition view at Galerija Gregor Podnar, © the artist and Galerija Gregor Podnar. Photo: Marcus Schneider.
ART at Berlin: Art Gallery in Berlin – Galerija Gregor Podnar