From 1 February 2022, the Kupferstichkabinett will be presenting around 30 virtuoso prints, copper engravings and etchings from the 15th to 18th centuries in its cabinet in the Gemäldegalerie, showing the joyful delight in inventing the fabulous and the strange.
Long before current creations such as the Grüffelo or Schlickschlupfen and Flubberwurmn from the novels of J. K. Rowling, authors and artists were dealing with real animals and magical creatures whose existence was conjured up in …
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Bildunterschrift: Hendrick Goltzius, The Dragon Devours the Companions of Cadmos, 1588, copperplate engraving, © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett / Dietmar Katz