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Hinrich Kröger | стиль | Atelier Hinrich Kröger – Volkskunst Berlin | 27.04.-10.06.2018

until 10.06. | #2028ARTatBerlin | Atelier Hinrich Kröger shows from 27th April 2018 the exhibition “стиль” by the artist Hinrich Kröger. During Gallery Weekend the gallery will be open from 1 to 7 pm. A French bulldog on a wall plate, painted in gold and turquoise, peered lustfully at a service around which golden pugs drape. […]

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Hinrich Kröger | Als das Meer versandete | Atelier Hinrich Kröger | 17.09.-03.12.2016

until 03.12. | #0728ARTatBerlin | The atelier Hinrich Kröger shows from 17th September 2016 the exhibition “Als das Meer versandete” by the artist Hinrich Kröger. In his gallery studio “Atelier Hinrich Kröger” at Gipsstraße in Mitte, also known as “Volkskunst Berlin”, the artist shows detailed and imaginative faiences and statuettes by the artist. Vernissage: Friday, 16th September 2016, 08:00 […]

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