until 21.10. | #1559ARTatBerlin | WERKSTATTGALERIE presents from 12th September 2017 the exhibition “THE OTHER” by the artist Amparo Sard. The Spanish artist Amparo Sard, born 1973, was recently nominated in the Netherlands by LXRY as one of the 25 most important contemporary artists in the world. In 2015, she was awarded the “Medaglia d’oro […]
read moreuntil 30.07. | #1431ARTatBerlin | WERKSTATTGALERIE shows from 20th June 2017 the group exhibition “ART IS RESISTANCE – Aesthetik des Widerstands für große Fragen und andere Horizonte”. With works by Patrick Bartsch, Benyamin Reich, Luca Carboni @ Gabriel Da Costa, Paolo Ghilardi, Pierre Jouve, Friedrich Lippe, Rudolf zur Lippe, Andrea Mazzola, Bruno de Panafieu, Naco Paris, Ingeborg […]
read moreuntil 26.05. | #1354ARTatBerlin | Werkstattgalerie shows from 27th April 2017 the exhibition iafkg (international workgroup for constructive art). In Cooperation with Galleria Spazio Testoni, Archivio Paolo Ghilardi and Archivio Alberto Zilocchi. The “international workgroup for constructive art” (“internationaler arbeitskreis für konstruktive gestaltung” called “iafkg” for short) was formed in 1972 in Antwerp and Bonn by European artist who felt […]
read moreuntil 23.04. | #1245ARTatBerlin | WERKSTATTGALERIE presents from 4th April 2017 the exhibition “Paris Living Rooms” by the artist Dominique Nabokov. Dominique Nabokov, former assistant to Star-Photographer Patrick Demarchelier was entrusted by the chief editor of the New Yorker Tina Brown in 1995 to realize a photographic essay, which resulted in the publication New York Living Rooms (Overlook […]
read moreWERKSTATTGALERIE presents on 16th March 2017 from 7 p.m. the book “INS WEITE BLAU” by Ingeborg zu Schleswig Holstein. Ingeborg zu Schleswig-Holstein Paintings 2006 – 2016 With texts by Etel Adnan, Paul Claudel, Jeni Fulton, Drew Hammond, Pascual Jordan, Rudolf zur Lippe, Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Luc Nancy, Rumi and Liao Yiwu. Limited edition with 700 num. Expl., VERLAG WILFRIED DICKHOFF Book […]
read moreuntil 05.01. | #0922ARTatBerlin | Werkstattgalerie presents from 10th December the exhibition “RILIEVI E LINEE” by the artist Alberto Zilocchi. Vernissage: Friday, 09th December 2016, 7 p.m. Exhibition period: Saturday, 10th December 2016 to Thursday, 5th January 2017 [maxbutton id=”121″] Image caption: A. Zilocchi – Linee 1980 – inchiostro su tela ad acrilico bianco applicato su tavola […]
read moreuntil 04.12. | #0879ARTatBerlin | Werkstattgalerie shows from 05th November 2016 the exhibition “Land ohne Zeit” by the artist Harald Frackmann. Was es nicht zu erzählen gab. Landschaft und Landschaften. Sinnfreie Gebilde. Darstellungen ohne Nutzen. Aus der Ästhetik der Melancholie. Ernst der Tiere. Spätkauf Hölderlin. Stille mit Resten. Vernissage: Friday, 04th November 2016, from 07:00 p.m. Exhibitionperiod: Saturday, 05th November […]
read moreuntil 15.09. | #0702ARTatBerlin | WERKSTATTGALERIE presents from 1st September 2016 the exhibition ‘to see a world in a grain of sand’ by the artist Rudolf zur Lippe. The gallery just provided a German exhibition description by now. For details please change to the german version of ART@Berlin. It is really easy: Just press the language […]
read moreuntil 08.03. | #0376ARTatBerlin | Werkstattgalerie shows from 16th February 2016 the exhibition “Brillo & Linea” by the artist Malte Kebbel. On show are new drawings, objects and installationart by the artist. Vernissage: Tuesday, 16th February 2016, from 7:00 p.m. Exhibition period: Tuesday, 16th February to Tuesday, 08th March 2016 [maxbutton id=”121″] Image caption: Malte Kebbel, […]
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