until 04.12. | #0944ARTatBerlin | Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz e.V. shows since 25th November 2016 the exhibition “TLC – Touch Love Cooking” by the artist Thomas L. Chapman and Lena Marie Emrich, a.k.a. Julez und Julez. Perfomances with Julez &Julez on Friday, 25th November from 08:00 p.m. and Sunday, 04th November from 05:00 p.m.. Touch Love […]
read moreuntil 26.11. | #0802ARTatBerlin | The Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz e.V. currently shows the exhibition “Krabbensucher” by the artist Frank Maier. At the same time the exhibition “four dimensional desires” by the artist Malene Landgreen is presented; it is on show until 15th October 2016. Das Werk des Berliner Künstlers Frank Maier kreist seit langem […]
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