post-title RUW! | Group exhibition | Galerie SCHMALFUSS BERLIN | 08.07.-22.07.2023

RUW! | Group exhibition | Galerie SCHMALFUSS BERLIN | 08.07.-22.07.2023

RUW! | Group exhibition | Galerie SCHMALFUSS BERLIN | 08.07.-22.07.2023

RUW! | Group exhibition | Galerie SCHMALFUSS BERLIN | 08.07.-22.07.2023

until 22.07. | #3960ARTatBerlin | Galerie SCHMALFUSS BERLIN presents from 8. July 2023 (Vernissage: 07.07.) the exhibition  „RUW!“ with works by the artists Hannah Becher, Thomas Hillig, Jakob Kirchheim, Petra Lottje, Paula Muhr, Kathrin Rank, Susanne Roewer, Eva Schwab and Poul R. Weile.

For those who don’t know RUW! :

This name stands for a group of Berlin artists who have been working on various self-imposed themes in a DIY process since 2013. The composition of the group is always fluid, some have been there since the beginning, others joined later.

The RUW! magazine comprises selected original works and is published in an edition of 50 copies. At the annual pop-up exhibitions, one small work per participant is shown to accompany the magazine.

In the gallery space, the concept turns around and break the usual framework! The title RUW! remains, but the artists get the opportunity to show now also together their large formats and plastic works, accompaniment becomes the magazine.

You can get a great insight into the current Berlin art scene. Quality and professionalism remain at the same level as in RUW! magazine, but the dimension and presentation is now changed.

The gallery is looking forward to its new exhibition with painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, linoleum print and stencil technique. Delicate, powerful, cool, sensual, shocking, magnificent – the whole complexion.

Opening: Friday 7.July 2023

Exhibition dates: Saturday, 8. July – Satutrday, 22. July 2023

To the Gallery



Image caption title: HANNAH BECHER, chit-chat, Stencil Print, 2023

Exhibition RUW! –  Galerie SCHMALFUSS BERLIN – Zeitgenössische Kunst – Exhibitions Berlin Galleries – ART at Berlin

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