
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

Fritz Bornstück + Sid Gastl | ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE | 17.03.-21.04.2018

until 21.04. | #1904ARTatBerlin | ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE presents from 17th March 2018 the exhibition MAL MITTELFORMATE, DU IDIOT! with the artists Fritz Bornstück and Sid Gastl.   Dear friends, You are cordially invited to our next exhibition opening at Schillerstraße 15. We discovered the beautiful title MAL MITTELFORMATE, DU IDIOT! (PAINT MEDIUM FORMATS, YOU IDIOT!) […]

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Marius Bercea | Time Can Space | BLAIN|SOUTHERN | 03.03.-14.04.2018

until 14.04. | #1903ARTatBerlin | Blain|Southern Berlin currently shows the exhibition “Time Can Space” with new works by the artist Marius Bercea. Time Can Space is Marius Bercea’s (b.1979, Cluj, Romania) first exhibition at Blain|Southern Berlin, in which he presents new work and demonstrates recent changes in his approach to painting. Within his interior and […]

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