
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

THE SILENT BAROQUE REVISITED | Hubertushoehe Art + Architecture | 28.04.-18.06.2017

until 18.06. | #1352ARTatBerlin | Hubertushoehe Art + Architecture shwos from 28th April 2017 the exhibition THE SILENT BAROQUE REVISITED with works by the artists Matt Mullican, Fariba Hajamdi, Peter Nadin and Ti-Shan Hsu. Exhibition period: Friday, 28th April – Sunday, 18th June 2017 [maxbutton id=”122″] Image caption: “FARIBA HAJAMADI, PRESERVE, SUPPRESS, REALIZE AND DESTROY (HOUSE)”, 1988, OIL + EMULSION ON CANVAS IN 3 […]

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Esther Friedman | No Idiot 2 | Hubertushoehe Art + Architecture | 11.02.-12.03.2016

until 12.03. | #0387ARTatBerlin | Hubertushoehe Art + Architecture shows from the 11th February 2016 an exhibition with the photographer Friedman. It is titled „No Idiot 2“. Esther Friedman came to Berlin as a young photographer in 1974 where she met + fell in love with the american singer Iggy Pop in 1976. Esther and Iggy […]

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