until 18.06. | #1352ARTatBerlin | Hubertushoehe Art + Architecture shwos from 28th April 2017 the exhibition THE SILENT BAROQUE REVISITED with works by the artists Matt Mullican, Fariba Hajamdi, Peter Nadin and Ti-Shan Hsu. Exhibition period: Friday, 28th April – Sunday, 18th June 2017 [maxbutton id=”122″] Image caption: “FARIBA HAJAMADI, PRESERVE, SUPPRESS, REALIZE AND DESTROY (HOUSE)”, 1988, OIL + EMULSION ON CANVAS IN 3 […]
read moreuntil 12.03. | #0387ARTatBerlin | Hubertushoehe Art + Architecture shows from the 11th February 2016 an exhibition with the photographer Friedman. It is titled „No Idiot 2“. Esther Friedman came to Berlin as a young photographer in 1974 where she met + fell in love with the american singer Iggy Pop in 1976. Esther and Iggy […]
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