
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

Grit Richter | Breathe Out | Galerie Tanja Wagner | 13.09.-08.11.2024

until 08.11. | #4428ARTatBerlin | Galerie Tanja Wagner pshows from 13. September 2024 the exhibition Breathe Out by the artist Grit Richter. Breathe Out is showing new paintings, each of which opens up a completely different world. In her latest works, figurative elements are moulded with concrete actions and placed in scenic spaces. Interpersonal relationships, […]

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Ella Littwitz | Ontology of the Void | alexander levy | 11.09.-26.10.2024

until 26.10. | #4429ARTatBerlin | alexander levy shows from 11. September 2024 the exhibition Ontology of the Void by the artist Ella Littwit. Vernissage: Wednesday, 11. September 2024, 6 – 9 pm Exhibition perdiod: Wednesday, 11. September – Saturday, 26. October 2024     Image caption: Ella Littwitz, Ontology of the Void, 2024, courtesy of […]

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NEXUS | Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler | 11.09.–26.10.2024

until 26.10. | #4427ARTatBerlin | Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler shows from 11. September 2024 (Vernissage 13.09.) the exhibition “NEXUS” with works by Davide Allieri, Allen-Golder Carpenter, Taina Cruz and Theodoulos Polyviou. Participating artists: Davide Allieri Allen-Golder Carpenter Taina Cruz Theodoulos Polyviou. Nexus is curated Sigrid Hermann Vernissage: Friday, 13. September 2024, 6 to 10 pm Exhibition period: […]

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Louis Wessendorff | Blütenlese | Sexauer Gallery | 07.09.-19.10.2024

until 19.10. | #4422ARTatBerlin | Sexauer Gallery shows from 07. September 2024 the exhibition Blütenlese by the artist Louis Wessendorff. Louis Wessendorff has called his first exhibition at Sexauer “Blütenlese”. Wessendorff’s works have something anthological about them. Although not always recognisable at first glance, as the works are mainly based on painting and rarely on […]

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Friedrich Kunath | One Day I’ll Follow The Byrds (Tutto Pasta) | Galerie Max Hetzler | 07.09.-26.10.2024

until 26.10. | #4424ARTatBerlin | Galerie Max Hetzler (Goethestraße) shows from Saturday, 07. September 2024 the exhibition One Day I’ll Follow The Byrds (Tutto Pasta) by the artist Friedrich Kunath. Galerie Max Hetzler presents One Day I’ll Follow The Byrds (Tutto Pasta), an exhibition of new paintings by Friedrich Kunath at Goethestraße 2/3, in Berlin. […]

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Danielle Mckinney | Haven | Galerie Max Hetzler | 07.09.-26.10.2024

until 26.10. | #4423ARTatBerlin | Galerie Max Hetzler (Bleibtreustraße) shows from Saturday, 07. September 2024 the exhibition Haven by the artist Danielle Mckinney. Galerie Max Hetzler presents the first solo-exhibition by Danielle Mckinney in Bleibtreustraße 45 and 15/16 in Berlin. Mckinney’s interior scenes capture moments of human introspection with painterly lyricism. Depicted in darkly lit […]

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Bod Mellor | People Who Knock on the Door | Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi | 10.09.-02.11.2024

until 02.11. | #4421ARTatBerlin | Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi shows from 10. September 2024 (Opening 10.09.) the exhibition People Who Knock on the Door by the artist Bod Mellor. Opening: Tuesday, 10. September 2024, 18:00 – 21:00 Uhr Exhibition dates: Tuesday, 10. September until Saturday, 02. November 2024 Opening hours Berlin Art Week: Friday, 13. September: 12 […]

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Cosima zu Knyphausen | Maestra | Galerie Thomas Schulte | 14.09.-02.11.2024

  until 02.11. | #4420ARTatBerlin | Galerie Thomas Schulte (Potsdamer Straße) presents from 14. September 2024 (Vernissage 13.09.) the exhibition Maestra by the artist Cosima zu Knyphausen. For the inaugural show in the new space at Mercator Höfe on Potsdamer Straße, Galerie Thomas Schulte presents a solo exhibition of recent paintings and drawings by Cosima zu […]

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