
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

Fluchtpunkt Buenos Aires | Gruppenausstellung | Galerie Dittmar | 18.11.-12.01.2023

until 12.01. |#3712ARTatBerlin | Galerie Dittmar presents the group exhibition “Vanishing Point Buenos Aires” from 18 November 2022. George Friedman, Max Jacoby and Horacio Coppola were pioneers of photography in Argentina who, along with other often Jewish emigrants, helped shape post-war photography with their modern conception of the image. George Friedman, of Hungarian-Jewish origin and […]

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Thomas Virnich | Zwischen Raum | Galerie Michael Haas | 25.11.2022-21.01.2023

until 21.01. | #3711ARTatBerlin | Galerie Michael Haas presents the exhibition “Zwischen Raum” by artist Thomas Virnich from 25 November 2022. Galerie Michael Haas is showing a comprehensive solo exhibition of new and past works by Thomas Virnich at Niebuhrstraße 5 and Kunst Lager Haas. Thomas Virnich, Lessingskopf, 1996, Fotograf: Jörg von Bruchhausen Turning the inside […]

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Gisela von Bruchhausen + Birte Horn | Contained + Extended | Galerie kajetan | 25.11.2022.-28.01.2023

until 28.01. | #3710ARTatBerlin |Galerie kajetan Berlin presents from 25 November 2022 the exhibition Extended by the artist Birte Horn and the exhibition Contained by the artist Gisela von Bruchhausen. Extended and contained: As soon as we enter the gallery space with the title in mind, we become curious about the content of this exhibition. […]

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