
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

NEWS: THE MINSK Art House in Potsdam | 24.09.-25.09.2022

THE MINSK Art House in Potsdam is the latest project of the Hasso Plattner Foundation. On 24 September 2022, the new house will open to the public with two exhibitions: Wolfgang Mattheuer: Der Nachbar, der will fliegen and Stan Douglas: Potsdamer Schrebergärten. The former terrace restaurant “Minsk” – built in the 1970s in the modernist […]

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NEWS:Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World) at HKW opens on 22 October 2022 | 23.10.-30.12.2022

We live – and survive – in the ruins of the modern/colonial world system: its institutions, structures of inequality, border regimes and subject forms. This undead world and its refusal to die is discharging with increasing violence. It needs a funeral to make other futures possible. The exhibition Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World) speaks […]

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