
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

TOP DOWN / BOTTOM UP – Economization and Social Issues | EIGENHEIM Berlin | 26.10.–14.12.2019

until 14.12. | #2635ARTatBerlin  | EIGENHEIM Berlin shows from 26th October 2019 the exhibition TOP DOWN / BOTTOM UP – Ökonomisierung und Soziales with works by the artists Benedikt Braun, Vanessa Brazeau, Gabriel Dörner, Enrico Freitag, Elfi Fröhlich, Sebastian Jung, Tommy Neuwirth, Anna Schimkat, the Professur Städtebau, José Taborda and Philipp Valenta. The fourth exhibition […]

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Huang Zejian + Bu Yunjun | Migrant Bird Space | 26.10.-21.12.2019

until 21.12. | #2607ARTatBerlin | Migrant Bird Space presents from 26th October 2019 an exhibition with artworks by the artists Huang Zejian and Bu Yunyun. Two Chinese artists exploring the sensuality and inherent eroticism of everyday materials and images. Both work in a variety of media, yet base their initial approach to art on the […]

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