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Jorinde Voigt | Prototypes and Multiples | Klosterfelde Edition | 27.04.-27.07.2019

until 27.07. | #2459ARTatBerlin | Klosterfelde Edition currently presents the exhibition Prototypes and Multiples by the artist Jorinde Voigt. In her exhibition at Klosterfelde Edition, Jorinde Voigt, who has mainly drawn in large format up to now, experiments with spatial explorations of her investigations of perception and epistemological questions, which have so far mostly been […]

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Straying from the Line | Schinkel Pavillon | 13.04.-28.07.2019

until 28.07. | #2477ARTatBerlin | Schinkel Pavillon currently presents the group exhibition Straying from the Line. Straying from the Line is dedicated to a fundamentally expanded perspective on the multiplicity of feminist tendencies in the art of the last 100 years. Instead of presenting a straight narrative of feminist art as a generation- and/or identity-specific […]

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