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Stefanie Moshammer | Not just your face honey | CO Berlin | 07.07.–23.09.2018

until 23.09. | #2073ARTatBerlin | C|O Berlin shows from 7th July 2018 the exhibition “Not just your face honey” by the photographer Stefanie Moshammer. “AUSTRIA GIRL, 2411 Mason Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada”—a typewritten letter, 35 lines long, a bizarre declaration of love from a stranger. One week earlier, a man called Troy had knocked on […]

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Andreas Mühe | Subversive Praktiken | KÖNIG GALERIE (Nave) | 30.06.-19.08.2018

until 19.08. | #2072ARTatBerlin | KÖNIG GALERIE presents from 30th June 2018 the exhibition “Subversive Praktiken” by the artist Andreas Mühe at the nave of the former church St. Agnes. Andreas Mühe subverts his images. He topples significations and crushes expectations. Preconceived social orders are reshuffled; he trivializes hierarchies and inverts or undermines authorities. His […]

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