Simon Goff | Pre-Release: Spark Like Living Mother by GRAND CHESS | nüü

2023thu05oct19:00thu22:00Simon Goff | Pre-Release: Spark Like Living Mother by GRAND CHESS | nüüd.berlinSonderveranstaltung | Special EventTime has ran out! Better luck next time!

Event Details

(English below)

nüü gallery lädt herzlich zum Pre-Release der Schallplatte ‚Spark Like Living Mothers‘ des zweifachen Grammy-Preisträgers Simon Goff am Donnerstag, 05. Oktober 2023, ab 19.00 Uhr ein.
Der Eintritt ist frei.
nüü gallery cordially invites you to the pre-release of the record ‚Spark Like Living Mothers‘ by two-time Grammy Award winner Simon Goff on Thursday, 05 October 2023, starting at 7 pm.
Admission is free.


Bildunterschrift/Image caption: Moritz Koch ©nüü

Pre-Release Simon Goff – nüü gallery | Pre-Release – Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin – Contemporary Art | ART at Berlin


October 5(Thursday) 7:00pm - 10:00pm(GMT+01:00)


nüü gallery

Kronenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

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