
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

Georg Flegel – Spanish Iris, wind and cherries

Georg Flegel, born in 1566 in Olmütz, the historic centre of Moravia up to the 17th century in today’s Czech Republic, died on 23rd March 1638 in Frankfurt am Main. Flegel was an important representative of still life art in the early 17th century, a period during which still life was becoming increasingly manifest as an independent motif. […]

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Vincent van Gogh – The Harvest – for Emile Bernard

Vincent van Gogh managed to create a summerly landscape by using dots and lines. One has the feeling as if he’s working on his first draft, working on image composition. There are other variations of this drawing. The focal point and the pictured landscape stay the same, also the late summer harvest motif are reused. […]

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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – Girl in Tub

A naked woman in the bathtub is bending towards her prefixed right foot. She holds a towel to her hip with her left hand. Her hair is tied together on her head. Kirchner sketched the outline of the woman very gently with feather strokes and shading. Two years beforehand, in 1911, Kirchner already drew a […]

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Drawing Dantes Göttliche Komödie – Sandro Botticelli

Sandro used parchment paper for this drawing. He illustrates “hoelle im 18. Gesang der goettlichen komoedie” from Dante Alighieri (was created approx. 1307-1321) in 1481/82. Dante and his accomplice Vergil are easily visible by the devised use of colourful garments. At the top left of the drawing, Dante and Vergil encounter the mystical figure of […]

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